
Welcome to the Jobby User Guide!

Jobby is a desktop app designed for Computer Science students looking for a systematic way to manage their job applications and networking contacts, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Jobby can help you manage tracking your job applications and contacts in a more streamlined fashion. If you can type fast, Jobby can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

It is assumed that you know how the job application process is like, and that you know how to look for job applications.

Purpose of this guide

The purpose of this guide is to get you familiar with the features of Jobby - from the very basics, to the most advanced features the application has to offer. These features range from the simple task of adding contacts into the application for tracking to how our application can assist you in tracking every step of your application process. We will go through every feature Jobby has to offer within this guide. You can check out the Table of Contents to navigate to a feature you might be interested in using.

How to use this guide

(For users who just want to see the table of contents, click here.)

To begin using this guide, ensure you have installed Jobby. Once this is done, go to the tutorial section to get started on the basic features of Jobby.

When you become more familiar with the basic features, you can move on to understand how Jobby’s commands are structured and how to use autocomplete to your advantage.

Afterwards, please feel free to go through the features section to find out what features Jobby has installed. We recommend going through it in the order of this guide but any order works as well! You may check out our table of contents to jump to any section of your choice.

The different symbols and formats used are explained in this section.

The summary of the commands can be found here.

Table of contents


  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest jobby.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Jobby Application.

  4. Open a command terminal, navigate into the folder you put the jar file in, and enter java -jar jobby.jar in the terminal to run the application.
    A window similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Notice that the app contains some sample data.
    • If you do not know how to navigate to your folder in the terminal, check out these links for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Ui
  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it - e.g., typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Code blocks for entering commands

  denotes a command or a part of a command that can be entered in Jobby. For example, add --org --name Woogle is a command. add is also part of a command.

Small information pills

Component Description
:trophy: Learning outcomes The learning outcome of the section.
The difficulty level of the section, with Beginner for new users, Intermediate for users who have completed the tutorial, and Expert for users who have completed and used the features in the User Guide.
:information_source: An info pill Contains some additional information, such as assumptions and useful information.
:warning: Some warning Contains a short warning regarding the use of a feature.
:warning: A danger pill Contains a short danger message regarding the use of a feature.
Job Application
The different objects of interest in Jobby: Organizations, Recruiters and Job Applications.
Organization Contains information on which objects of interest in Jobby the feature can be used on.

Large information sections

:bulb: This is a blue box. It can be used for additional tips or more useful information.

:warning: This is a warning box. It can be used to give more details on the warnings and limitations of features.

Jobby comes equipped with a user interface that provides visual feedback to you. Below is a quick overview of the various components of our interface.

ui overview

Component Description
Command Box You will enter your commands along with its input here.
Result Display Displays the results of your commands.
Any error messages will also be displayed here.
Contact Details Contains information related to the contact like name, phone number, email etc.
Application Details Contains information related to the internship application details like status, deadline etc.

Jobby Tutorial (for new users)

Hello and welcome to Jobby! We are delighted that you’ve chosen our platform to track your internship application process!

Before we begin, please ensure that you have viewed the following sections of the guide:

Following this tutorial will guide you through the basic workflow and functionalities of Jobby. Here, you will learn how to add your first Organization, Recruiter and Application!

Click on any of the hyperlinks below to jump to respective sections of the guide!

The Beginning

When you first launch Jobby, you will notice that it comes preloaded with sample data for you to play with. You may use the sample data to familiarise yourself with the various features that Jobby provides straightaway!

If you wish to continue following our guide to learn the basic operations of Jobby, you can easily remove the sample data by:

  1. Type clear into the command box
  2. press ENTER

Solid! Now it’s time to get started with Jobby!

Adding your first Organization

Let’s say you are interested to apply to Google as your internship destination, and you found their email (This is not their real email, of course)

You can use add --org to add the Google organization in Jobby:

  1. Type add --org --name Google --id google_id --email into the command box
  2. Press ENTER

Adding Organization

You have successfully added Google, with the email into Jobby!

Adding your first Recruiter

In a job fair, you managed to meet a Google internship recruiter, Josh Mao, and he provided you with his number 91219121.

Here is how you can use add --rec to record the recruiter in Jobby:

  1. Type add --rec --name Josh Mao --oid google_id --phone 91219121 into the command box
  2. Press ENTER

Adding Recruiter

You have successfully added Josh Mao - a recruiter from Google with the phone number 91219121.

Adding your first Application

After preparing your resume, you are ready to apply to Google as an intern for their Software Engineer role! And you know that the application deadline is on the 22-11-2023.

Here is how you can use apply to track your application in Jobby:

  1. Type apply google_id --title Software Engineer --by 22-11-2023 into the command box
  2. Press ENTER

Adding Application

You have successfully added your job application to Google!

Congratulations! You have run through the basics of Jobby. We hope that this tutorial has given you an understanding of a basic workflow in Jobby. However, there are still many features that we have yet to introduce. Please refer to the Using Jobby section to understand how to interpret command structures and formats, or visit the Features section to see the full capabilities of Jobby!

Using Jobby

This section explains how you can understand and interact with Jobby via commands.

If you’re looking for the list of available commands, check out the Features section instead.

Understanding the Command Structure

:trophy: How to understand and write Jobby commands Beginner

In Jobby, we write commands in the command box at the top of Jobby’s window.

Commands are made up of a few parts: The command, parameter names and input values.

A command like “edit google --name Google SG --id google-sg” would refer to:

  • the command edit,
  • with a command value google,
  • with a parameter --name,
    • which has the parameter value Google SG,
  • with a parameter --id,
    • which has the parameter value google-sg.

Parameters may be in any order, whose names are of the form -a or --abc123, and must be surrounded by whitespace.

Any extra parameters and values to commands that don’t accept them will either be ignored or throw an error.

:bulb: Additional information:

  • Parameter names are restricted to the -/-- prefix, contain only letters and numbers, and must begin with a letter.

  • Any parameter names not following the required format will be treated as data input, so an input like “-5 degrees” will work.

  • Expert Although Jobby’s syntax resembles the usual Unix syntax, you should not quote your text, and you should not leave a trailing =.

Reading Command Formats

:trophy: How to interpret Jobby-formatted command explanations Beginner

Throughout this guide and within Jobby itself, you will find symbols and placeholders used to describe a command format. They are:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE

    • The parts where you should be typing your parameter values.

    • e.g., --name NAME means inputting names along the lines of --name Alice.

  • Terms separated by / or |

    • Exactly one of the given options.

    • These may be included in the parameter names or value description.

    • e.g., --a / --b means either --a or --b but not --a --b.

  • Terms surrounded by [ and ]

    • An optional parameter or option that may be omitted.

    • e.g., [--id ID] means you may omit setting an ID for the command.

  • Terms ending with ...

    • The parameter is multivalued.

    • e.g., [--tag TAG]... means --tag and its value can be repeated from 0 to any number of times.

  • Terms surrounded by < and >

    • A high level description of the parameter or option.

    • e.g., if you see something like < add some text here >, it means you should replace it with your own text.

Parameters may have certain value format restrictions - Jobby will let you know if you do not meet a requirement when you input your command. Optionally, you may also refer to their details in Appendix A later.

Autocompleting Commands

:trophy: How to use Jobby’s command autocompletion Beginner

Command autocompletion allows you to type commands in Jobby at unimaginable speeds.

As you type your command, you may see a list of suggested completions pop up. Just press TAB or SPACE to select the first suggestion to fill in that text!

Autocomplete Screenshot

To temporarily hide all suggestions, press ESC. This temporarily disables autocompletion for the next keystroke.

If suggestions were hidden or aren’t shown when they should, press TAB to prompt Jobby to bring it back.

:bulb: Additional tips:

  • If you rather choose from the list instead of typing out the prefix, it is possible to use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to navigate through the menu, then press ENTER to select them.

  • Accidentally triggered autocomplete when you didn’t intend to? Don’t worry, just press BACKSPACE to immediately revert to your previously typed text.

  • Expert Autocomplete checks for fuzzy matches - it sorts by the best subsequence prefix match first.

    • For example, you can type -nm to get the autocompletion result of --name.

    • This allows you to quickly choose between parameter names with similar prefixes, e.g., by typing -dsp to select --description instead of --descending.

:warning: Limitations:

  • Autocomplete is not autocorrect. It will not attempt to correct mistyped details.

  • Autocomplete suggests plausible values you may want to add onto your partially typed command. It does not verify that the command will run.


Adding contacts - add

Organization Recruiter

The add command allows you to create contacts to track details about the organizations and recruiters related to your job application process. To learn more about creating each type of contact, check out the sections below.

Adding organizations - add --org

:trophy: How to add organization contacts into Jobby Beginner

add --org --name NAME [--id ID] [--phone NUMBER] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...

Adds an organization contact with the details given to the command.

  • If an ID is not specified, one will be automatically generated.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
add --org --name J&J Adds an organization J&J.
add --org --name Google --id g-sg --phone 98765432 Adds an organization Google with other flags.
add --org --name Examinations NUS --phone 65166269 --email --url Adds an organization Examination NUS with other flags.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
add --org --name --name field used but not specified.
add --org --name Google --phone 1231*&&@ Optional field (in this case --phone) was not following the accepted parameters.

Adding recruiters - add --rec

:trophy: How to add recruiter contacts into Jobby Beginner

add --rec --name NAME [-id ID] [--oid ORG_ID] [--phone NUMBER] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...

Adds a recruiter contact with the details given to the command.

  • If an ID is not specified, one will be automatically generated.
  • To link a Recruiter to an Organization in the contacts list, make sure you include --oid and pass in the ID of the Organization you want to link to.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Sample demonstration
  • If you execute the command: add --rec --name Ryan Koh --oid job_seeker_plus, you should see a new Recruiter being added to the bottom of the contacts list.

  • The newly added contact will have a special label from organization (job_seeker_plus) to indicate that the Recruiter is associated to the Organization with that particular ID.

Valid examples
Command Reason
add --rec --name John Doe Adds a recruiter that is not associated to any organization.
add --rec --name John Doe --tag friendly --tag woogle Adds a recruiter with two tags - friendly and woogle.
add --rec --name John Doe --oid job_seeker_plus Adds a recruiter that is associated to an organization (if it exists in the address book) with the id job_seeker_plus.
add --rec --name John Doe --id johndoe_123 --oid job_seeker_plus --number 912832192 --email --url --address 21 Kent Ridge Rd --tag network Adds a recruiter with all the possible fields.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
add --rec Missing a name.
add --rec --name John Doe --phone Optional fields (in this case --phone) were used but not specified.
add --rec --name John Doe --oid bogus-org Given that no organization with the id “bogus-org” exists in the address book.

Editing contacts - edit

Organization Recruiter

:trophy: How to edit organization or recruiter info in Jobby Intermediate
:information_source: Assumes that you have read the add command documentation for contacts.

edit INDEX/ID [--name NAME] [--id ID] [--phone PHONE] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...

Edits the given contact according to the parameters given.

  • You can supply more than one parameter to change multiple details of a contact in one command.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
edit google --phone 91292951 Changes phone number of organization with ID google to 91292951.
edit 1 --name Jane Street Changes name of contact at index 1 to Jane Street.
edit 1 --name Google --phone 91241412 --email Changes the name, phone number and email of the contact at index 1 to Google, 91241412 and respectively.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
edit google --phone 8124!@#$ --phone has an invalid parameter

Deleting contacts - delete

Organization Recruiter

:trophy: How to delete contacts and job applications in Jobby Intermediate

:warning: The deletion of data is permanent and there is no way to undo it.

delete INDEX/ID [--recursive]

Deletes the contact at the given INDEX or ID.

  • --recursive flag deletes the associated recruiter contacts and internship applications if the contact to delete is an organization.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
delete 1 Deletes the contact at index 1.
delete josh Deletes the contact with the ID of josh.
delete 1 --recursive Deletes a contact and all its associated recruiter contacts and applications.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
delete 0 Invalid index, as index starts from 1.

Applying to organizations - apply

Job Application

:trophy: How to record your job applications associated with an organization in Jobby Intermediate
:information_source: You need to have organizations stored in Jobby to use this command.

apply INDEX/ID --title TITLE [--description DESCRIPTION] [--by DEADLINE: DD-MM-YYYY] [--stage APPLICATION STAGE: resume | online assessment | interview] [--status STATUS: pending | offered | accepted | turned down]

Applies to the given organization by creating a job application associated with it.

  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
apply 1 --title SWE Applies to the organization at index 1, for the title of SWE.
apply google --title Unit Tester --by 12-12-2023 Applies to the organization with ID of *google** for title of Unit Tester by 12-12-2023.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
apply 0 --title SWE Invalid index as index starts at 1.
apply 1 --title Invalid as --title is declared but not specified.
apply 1 --title SWE --by 31-31-2023 Invalid date for deadline.

Editing job applications - edit --application

Job Application

:trophy: Able to edit job applications associated with an organization in Jobby Intermediate
:information_source: Assumes that you have read the apply command documentation.

edit --application INDEX [--title TITLE] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--by DEADLINE] [--status STATUS] [--stage STAGE]

Edits the given job application according to the parameters given.

  • You can supply more than one parameter to change multiple details of an application in one command.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
edit --application 1 --title SRE Changes the title of the job application at index 1 to SRE.
edit --application 1 --status pending Changes the status of job application at index 1 to pending.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
edit --application 0 --title SRE Invalid index.
edit --application 1 None of the fields to edit are given.
edit --application 1 --by 31-31-2023 The date is invalid.

Deleting job applications - delete --application

Job Application

:trophy: Able to delete job applications in Jobby Intermediate

:warning: The deletion of data is permanent and there is no way to undo it.

delete --application INDEX

Deletes the job application at the given INDEX.

  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for each parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
delete --application 1 Deletes the application at index 1.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
delete --application 0 Invalid index, as index starts from 1.

Listing data - list

Organization Recruiter Job Application

:trophy: How to list organizations and recruiters in Jobby by conditions Intermediate

list [--org / --rec / --toapply]

Lists all contacts. If you provide a parameter, the contacts listed will be only those that fit the given parameter.

  • Supplying --org lists only Organizations while supplying --rec lists only Recruiters. Specifying neither will list all contacts.

  • Supplying --toapply lists Organizations you have not applied to.

Valid examples
Command Reason
list List all contacts.
list --org Lists all organization contacts.
list --rec Lists all recruiter contacts.
list --toapply Lists all organization contacts that have not been applied to.

Searching contacts - find

Organization Recruiter

:trophy: How to find organizations and recruiters by keyword Beginner

find KEYWORD...

Finds the contacts whose NAME or ID contains the given KEYWORD.

  • You can supply multiple keywords as long as they are separated by whitespace.
  • If you wish to know more about the requirements for the parameter, check out the given appendix.
Valid examples
Command Reason
find jo Finds contacts whose NAME or ID contains the substring “jo”.
find 1231 Finds contacts whose NAME or ID contains the substring “1231”.
find alex david Finds contacts whose NAME or ID contains the substring “alex” or “david”.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans and 1231 will match id_1231.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • You can match partial keywords. e.g. searching for ha will match with hamburger.
  • Contacts matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search) e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.

Sorting data - sort

Organization Recruiter Job Application

:trophy: How to sort contacts and job applications in Jobby Intermediate

sort --FLAG_TO_SORT [--ascending / --descending]

Sorts contacts or job applications for you by the specified flag. --FLAG_TO_SORT represents a parameter of the contact or job application (i.e. --phone represents the phone number of a contact).

Supported primary parameters (only 1 may be provided)
Fields for Contacts
  • --address - Will sort alphabetically.
  • --email - Will sort alphabetically.
  • --id - Will sort alphabetically.
  • --name - Will sort alphabetically.
  • --phone - Will sort alphabetically.
  • --url - Will sort alphabetically.
Fields for Job Applications
  • --by - Will sort chronologically.
  • --stage - Will sort by stage order.
  • --stale - Will sort chronologically.
  • --status - Will sort by status order.
  • --title - Will sort alphabetically.
Resetting the sort order
  • --none - Will reset the sorting order of Contacts and Job Applications.
Supported secondary parameters
Changing the sort order
  • --ascending - The specified flag will sort in ascending order.
  • --descending - The specified flag will sort in descending order.

  • If neither --ascending or --descending are provided, the list will be sorted in ascending order by default.

  • Neither --ascending nor --descending may be specified if the flag is --none.

  • Sorting will work even if no Contacts or Job Applications exist. In that case, nothing will happen.
Sample demonstration
  • To order your Job Applications by order of earliest deadline, you can use the command sort --by.
  • In the Application Details section of Jobby, you should see your Job Applications now ordered by most urgent deadline.
Valid examples
Command Reason
sort --title --ascending Sorts job applications by title, in ascending alphabetical order.
sort --url Sorts contacts by url, in the default order - ascending alphabetical.
sort --stale --descending Sorts job applications by last updated time, in reverse chronological order, from most recent to least.
sort --none Resets the sorting order of contacts and job applications.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
sort No field provided.
sort --org Invalid field.
sort --none --descending --none and --descending both specified.
sort --title --name More than 1 field specified.

Reminding about deadlines - remind

Job Application

:trophy: How to get reminders of deadlines in Jobby Intermediate

remind --earliest / --latest

Reminds you of upcoming deadlines for job applications.

Sample demonstration
  • To see your application deadlines from the earliest to latest, use the command remind --earliest.

Remind Earliest

Valid examples
Command Reason
remind --earliest Lists the application deadlines in order of urgency, from earliest to latest.
remind --latest Lists the application deadlines in order of reverse urgency, from latest to earliest.
Invalid examples
Command Reason
remind No urgency level specified.

Viewing help - help

:trophy: How to find help on Jobby’s commands Beginner


Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

Help Message

Clearing all data - clear

Organization Recruiter Job Application

:trophy: How to clear all contacts and job applications in Jobby Intermediate

:warning: The deletion of all data is permanent and there is no way to undo it.


Clears all Contact and Job Application data from Jobby.

Exiting the program - exit

:trophy: How to exit Jobby Beginner


Exits the program.

Saving the data

Jobby’s data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

Jobby’s data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/jobby.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:warning: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, Jobby will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

Command Summary

Commands for Handling Contacts

Action Format, Examples
Add Organization add --org --name NAME [--id ID] [--phone NUMBER] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...
e.g., add --org --name NUS --phone 0123456789 --email --url
Add Recruiter add --rec --name NAME [--id ID] [--oid ORG_ID] [--phone NUMBER] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...
e.g., add --rec --name John Doe --oid paypal-sg
Delete Contact delete INDEX/ID [--recursive]
e.g., delete 3, delete id-55tg
Edit Contact edit INDEX/ID [--name NAME] [--id ID] [--phone PHONE] [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--address ADDRESS] [--tag TAG]...
e.g., find James Jake
List list [--org / --rec / --toapply]
Sort Contacts sort --address / --email / --id / --name / --phone / --url [--ascending / --descending]

Commands for Handling Job Applications

Action Format, Examples
Delete Application delete --application INDEX
e.g., delete --application 2
Edit Application edit --application INDEX [--title TITLE] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--by DEADLINE] [--status STATUS] [--stage STAGE]
e.g., edit --application 2 --title Analyst
Apply apply INDEX/ID --title TITLE [--description DESCRIPTION] [--by DEADLINE] [--stage STAGE] [--status STATUS]
Sort Applications sort --by / --stage / --stale / --status / --title [--ascending / --descending]

Other Commands

Action Format, Examples
Clear clear
Help help
Exit exit


Term Definition
Index An index is a number that is used to identify a contact or job application in a list.

(e.g. 2 would be the index of the contact labelled 2. in the contacts list).
Whitespace In the context of this application, a whitespace is any number of spaces that is in the input.
Contact A contact in Jobby can be an Organization or a Recruiter.
Substring A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string

(e.g. “pp” is a substring of “apple”, “mac” is a substring of “macDonald” and “intimacy”).
Subsequence A subsequence is a sequence obtainable from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements

(e.g. “abc”, “1b2”, “123” are all subsequences of “a1b2c3”).
Top Level Domain A Top Level Domain (TLD) is the part of the website address where it comes after the last dot (i.e. “.com”, “.org”, “.net”) and before the first slash



Appendix A: Acceptable values for parameters

Parameter Used by Requirements Examples
INDEX edit


edit --application


delete --application
A valid index can accept any positive integer up to the number of items displayed in the contact or job application list where applicable. 1
NAME add --org

add --rec

A valid name can accept any non-empty value. Ryan Koh
ID add --org

add --rec



A valid ID has to start with a letter.

It can consist of alphanumeric characters and basic symbols (i.e. a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _). However it cannot have consecutive underscores and dashes.
NUMBER add --org

add --rec

A valid phone number can consist of only numbers with no whitespace.

It must be at least 3 digits.
EMAIL add --org

add --rec

A valid email should be in the form of local-part@domain where the local-part and domain must be separated by a single @.

The local-part can consist of any character except whitespace.

The domain name can comprise of one or more labels separated by periods, and each label can include any character except whitespace. The last domain label must be a minimum of two characters long.
URL add --org

add --rec

A valid url should include a part in the form of domain.tld where the domain and the tld (top level domain) must be separated by a period.
ADDRESS add --org

add --rec

A valid address can accept any non-empty value.

For a contact, it designates its physical address.
21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd
TAG add --org

add --rec

A valid tag can consist of only alphanumeric characters. internship
ORG_ID add --rec A valid organization ID is subject to the same requirements as the ID parameter.

It must belong to an Organization contact in the address book.
TITLE apply

edit --application
A valid title can accept multiple words separated with spaces, as long as the characters are alphanumeric. Software Engineer
Level 3 Engineer

edit --application
A valid description can accept any non-empty value. Senior Role
Hourly rate: $25

edit --application
A valid deadline should be a date in the form of DD-MM-YYYY.

The day (DD) and month (MM) can be either single or double digits.
STAGE apply

edit --application
A valid job application stage can accept only one of the three values: resume, online assessment, interview.

The values are ranked in the order shown.
online assessment
STATUS apply

edit --application
A valid job application status can accept only one of the four values: pending, offered, accepted, turned down.

The values are ranked in the order shown.
turned down
KEYWORD find A valid keyword is a single word that can accept any non-empty value. software

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I transfer my data to another device?
  • Jobby currently does not directly support data transfer. You can transfer your contact data and job application data by copying the data folder in your old jobby.jar home folder to the new home folder for jobby.jar.
I want to try out Jobby with some sample data. How can I do so?
  • You can delete the data folder in the home folder of jobby.jar, and launch Jobby again. There will be sample data generated on launch.
    • Alternatively, you can move the data folder somewhere else if you still want to keep the data.
I am currently facing issues with Jobby.
  • We would like to hear the details of the issues that you are having. You can report them through our bug tracker.
I would like to suggest a new feature for Jobby.
  • We are always looking for suggestions to improve Jobby! You can suggest a new feature to us via the issue tracker.


  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

  2. When requesting to sort applications after a call to list --rec, the command will succeed but display nothing, since no organizations are currently listed, and so no linked applications will display. The remedy is to call list before sorting applications and calling the sort command once more.

  3. Parameter names use either the - or -- prefix, but all commands as of the current version only use the -- prefix. While the - prefix is currently unused, it is reserved (so user input cannot take that format), and it will be relevant in future updates.